Spiced Apple Cider

Spiced Apple Cider

If you're a regular juicer, you know that store bought juices have lots of icky ingredients.  High fructose corn syrup?  No thanks.  Natural flavors?  Nah..  Coloring?  Oh gosh, no way, no how.  But we love spiced apple cider, right?  LOVE IT. 

Its like warm boots, cozy socks, sitting by the fireplace, family and friends celebrating the season.  It's a must!  Cider that you buy in the market should be just raw unfiltered apple juice.  No additives, colorings, etc, etc.  Many times, I see them for purchase, and they look good, but they are pasteurized. Make your own and you can drink the nutrients.  Because this recipe is spiced, you get the added health benefits of cinnamon and nutmeg.  Let's look at the benefits of this spiced apple cider, which, maybe should really be a health tonic :)


Spiced apple cider benefits

Benefits of apples.  I can hear you now, but Vanessa, this has sugar!  Yes, apples have sugar, but they also have so many other good things, so lets not forget these:  The peel and pulp are rich in anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and fiber.  The nutrients present in apples may help to slow the signs of aging and improve some bodily functions.  They may even help deter the development of certain chronic health conditions.

A 2001 University of California research study that employed human subjects indicates that the quercetin that exists in fresh apples decreases the amount of cholesterol plaque that builds up on artery walls, thereby reducing the likelihood of heart attack and cardiovascular disease.  Moreover, the potassium in apples is important for proper cardiac function.  Apples are rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols.  The cleansing properties of these constituents can help remove waste, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

Benefits of cinnamon. There are many, many health benefits of cinnamon- too many to list!  Studies have shown that 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon added to your diet each day can aid in lowering LDL (the bad) cholesterol.  It may help stabilize blood sugar.  It has anti-fungal properties.  It's a natural remedy for headaches.

Benefits of nutmeg. Nutmeg has been used for centuries as a medicinal source for easing digestive troubles.  It has antibacterial properties that aid the teeth and gums. Nutmeg is often used by holistic practitioners to rev up blood circulation and treat kidney infections.


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